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Ron Rosemeier

Dr. Ronald G. Rosemeier, Received an Undergraduate Degree in Physics in 1974 from St Vincent College in Latrobe Pennsylvania and received a full scholarship from the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore where he received his PhD in Materials Science in 1981. While as a graduate student at the University he started Brimrose Corporation of America in 1979. (he almost got kicked out of graduate school because of this- but this is another story ). His major field interests are Industrial Process Control Spectroscopy in the Pharmaceutical and Petrochemical Industries, Non-Destructive Testing and Evaluation and Opto-electronics. Dr. Rosemeier has over 45 publications to his credit.



                                                        Dr. Ronald G. Rosemeier

                                                          (Founder/President & CEO)









Industrial Process Control Spectroscopy, Opto-electronics, IR Detection, Semiconductive Materials, Materials Science, X-ray and Electro-Optical Imaging, X-Ray Topography, Non-Destructive Testing and Evaluation.




Post Doctorate, "X-ray, optical and electrical characterization of photovoltaic devices," University of Maryland, College Park, MD. Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Engineering, 1980.


Ph.D. Thesis, "X-ray diffraction measurement of residual stress strain: Energy sispersive x-ray residual stress measurement," Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, 1980 supervised under Prof. Robert E. Green, Jr. (this work was supported under a research contract from DOT).


M.E.S., "X-ray topography of large poly-diacetylene single crystal," Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, 1977, supervised under Prof. Robert E. Green, Jr.


B.S., St. Vincent College, Latrobe, PA., Physics, (high honors) 1974.





American Society for Metals (Baltimore Chapter Chairman, 1980), Maryland Institute of Metals (President, 1983), Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Instrument Society of America American Society for Non-Destructive Testing, Society of Manufacturing Engineers, American Ceramic Society, National Association of Corrosion Engineers.




Winner of the 1982 I-R 100 Award competition for significant new technology.


Received a full NSF scholarship to attend a NATO Advanced Study Institute in Durham, England (Aug. 29 - Sept. 9, 1979).


Recipient of the ASM President's Award in 1978 and the ASM Young Member Award in 1977.





Private Pilot, Motorcyclist and Scuba Diver




“High speed optical gain flattener,” Jolanta I. Rosemeier, Ronald G. Rosemeier, and Feng Jin. US Patent Pending.






October, 1983 - 1986              Principal Investigator and manager of various SDIO, ARMY, DARPA, NSWC, ONR and NASA proposals totaling over $1,000.000.


Dec., 1980 - Oct., 1983          As a Co-principal Investigator, a contract was awarded from the Office of Naval Research to investigate the origin of hot spots in energetic explosive crystals of RDX.


June, 1980 - Nov., 1980         As a co-principal Investigator, a contract was awarded from the Naval Surface Weapons Center, White Oak, MD., to characterize the microstructure defects in the epitaxial films of Pb1-XTeX/BaF2 using X-ray Topography.  Also X-ray Topography was used to characterize the defect nature and magnetic domain structure in the rare-earth single crystal Dy0.73Tb0.27Fe1.95.


Also, as a co-principal investigator, a research contract from the U.S. Army was awarded to characterize white surface layer in gun barrel steels by employing a newly developed energy dispersive x-ray diffraction technique.






1.         "X-ray Topography of Large Poly-Diacetylene Single Crystals," invited presentation for the Maryland Institute for Metals, Baltimore, MD., February 13, 1979.


2.         "Direct Display of X-ray Diffraction Phenomenon Using Electronic Image Intensification," presented at the NATO Advanced Study Institute on the Characterization of Crystal Growth Defects by X-ray Methods, Durham, England, September 2, 1979.


3.         "Novel X-ray Diffraction Techniques," invited seminar for the Department of Materials Science at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia, April 21, 1980.


4.         "A Low Cost 210K Gain Transmission Electron Microscope Image (TEMI) Intensifier, S" presented at the 39th Annual Electron Microscope Society of America Meeting in Atlanta, GA, August 14, 1981.


5.         "A New Miniature Microchannel Plate X-ray Detector for Synchrotron Radiation" presented at the 2nd National Conference on Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation at Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, July 15, 1981.


6.         "Real-Time X-ray Imaging: Applications to Diffraction Studies in Materials Science," presented at the 1983 U.S. Workshop on the Physics and Chemistry of Mercury Cadmium Telluride, Dallas, TX, February 9, 1983.


7.         "Real-Time X-ray Imaging: Applications to Diffraction Studies in Materials Science," invited presentation for the Space Sciences Laboratory at the Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, AL, July 11, 1983.


8.         "Real-Time X-ray Topography:  Characterization of Bulk Developmental Semiconductor Materials," invited presentation at NASA Langley, Virginia, October 3, 1983.


9.         "Commercialization from SBIR contracts," yearly invited presentation at the Department of Defense SBIR conference held in Washington, D.C., 1992-1995.




  1.       R.G. Rosemeier, "X-ray Topography of Large Poly-Diacetylene Single Crystals," Masters Essay, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD (1977).


  2.       R.G. Rosemeier, R.E. Green, Jr., and R.H. Baughman, "X-ray Topography of Large Diacetylene Single Crystals," Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 23, No. 3, 308 (March 1978).


  3.       R.G. Rosemeier, R.E. Green, Jr., "X-ray Diffraction Measurement of Residual Stress (Strain)," Final Report, Department of Transportation, Contract No. DOTRC-82006 (January 1980).


  4.       R.G. Rosemeier, R.W. Armstrong, "Energy Dispersive X-ray Diffraction Analysis of Gun Barrel Steel," Final Report, U.S. Army Arradcom, Contract No. DAAA22-79-M-0549 (June, 1980).


  5.       R.G. Rosemeier, "X-ray Diffraction Measurement of Residual Stress (Strain): Energy Dispersive X-ray Residual Stress Measurement," Ph.D. Thesis, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD (1980).


  6.       S.M. Johnson, G.M. Storti, R.W. Armstrong, R.G. Rosemeier, M.E. Taylor, and W.F. Regnault, "The Effects of Metallurgical Grade Silicon Additions on the Electrical Characteristics of Polysilicon Additions on the Electrical Characteristics of Polysilicon Solar Cells," IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting, 202 (1980).


  7.       R.G. Rosemeier, "ACT, Berg-Barrett and Lang X-ray Topographic Methods," University of Maryland, Electron Microscope Central Facility Newsletter, Issue 8,9 (1981).


  8.       S.M. Johnson, G.M. Storti, R.W. Armstrong, R.G. Rosemeier, M.E. Taylor, and W.F. Regnault, "The Effects of Metallurgical Grade Silicon Additions on the Electrical Characteristics of Polysilicon Solar Cells," 15th IEEE Photovoltaics Specialists Conf., 949 (1981).


  9.       R.G. Rosemeier, R.W. Armstrong, S.M. Johnson, G.M. Storti and C. Cm. Wu, "Polycrystalline X-ray Topography and Photoresponse of Grains or Grain Boundaries in Polysilicon," 15th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conf., 1331 (1981).


10.       R.G. Rosemeier, M.E. Taylor and A.G. Wylie, "Low Cost 210K Gain Transmission Electron Microscope Image (TEMI) Intensifier," 39th Annual Proc. Electron Microscopy Soc. Amer. 392 (1981).


11.       S.M. Johnson, R. W. Armstrong, R.G. Rosemeier, G.M. Storti, H.C. Lin and W.F. Regnault, "An Enhanced Photoresponse at Dislocation Subgrain Boundaries Recorded by X-ray Topography of Polysilicon Solar Cells," Grain Boundaries in Semiconductors, Eds, C.H. Seager, G.E. Pike, and H.J. Leamy, (N.Y., North Holland) 1981.


12.       R.G. Rosemeier, R.E. Green Jr., and R.H. Baughman, "Asymmetric Crystal Topography of Macroscopic Diacetylene and Polydiacetylene Single Crystals," J. Appl. Phys., 51 (12) 7129 (1981).


13.       R.G. Rosemeier, "Brimrose Digital X-ray Synchrotron Television Camera," Brimrose Technical Memorandum, Technical Note/2-01 (Feb. 1982).



14.       P.M. Noeller, R.W. Armstrong, R.G. Rosemeier, S.M. Johnson, M.E. Taylor, and W.F. Regnault, "Electron Channeling, X-ray Topography, and Electrical Photoresponse of Polysilicon Solar Cells," University of Maryland, Electron Microscope Central Facility Newsletter, Issue 9, 9 (1982).


15.       R.G. Rosemeier and R.G. Green, Jr., "A New Miniature Microchannel Plate X-ray Detector for Synchrotron Radiation," Nuclear Instruments and Methods, 195, (1982) 299.


16.       R.G. Rosemeier, K.C. Yoo, and S.M. Johnson, "Polycrystal X-ray Topography (PXT) of a Silicon Solar Cell," Materials Letters (1982).


17.       W.F. Regnault, K.C. Yoo, R.G. Rosemeier, S.M. Johnson, G. Breidenthal, C.D. Wang, R.W. Armstrong and H.C. Lin, "Investigation of the Microstructure and Photovoltaic Properties of Semicrystalline Silicon," presented at the 1982 International Electrochemical Society Meeting, Montreal, Canada (May, 1982).


18.       D.G. Lord, H.T. Savage and R.G. Rosemeier, "X-ray topography Observation of a Dx0.73Tb0.27Fe1.95 Crystal" (to be published).


19.       S.M. Johnson, K.C. Yoo, R.G. Rosemeier, P. Soltani and H.C. Lin, "The Interface Structure of Grain Boundaries in Polysilicon, Defects in Semiconductors," Eds., S. Mahajan and J.W. Corbett, North Holland, NY, 1982.


20.       W.F. Regnault, K.C. Yoo, R.G. Rosemeier and S.M. Johnson, "Structural Characterization of Large Semicrystalline Silicon", presented at The Solar Energy Photoconversiuon: Materials and Devices Symposium at the 1982 Materials Research Society Annual Meeting Proceedings, Nov. 1-4, 1982, pg. 322.


21.       R.G. Rosemeier, "Real-Time X-ray Topography: A Technique for All Developmental Semiconductor Materials," proceeding of The 1983 U.S. Workshop on the Physics and Chemistry of Mercury Cadmium Telluride, Feb. 8-10, 1983, Dallas, TX, pg. 79.


22.       P.K. Soltani, G.M. Storti, K.C. Yoo, S.M. Johnson, R.G. Rosemeier, W.F. Regnault, and H.C. Lin, "Charge Collection Microscopy of Polycrystalline Silicon," University of Maryland, Electron Microscope Central Facility Newsletter, Issue II, 1 (1983).


23.       W.L. Elban, R.W. Armstrong, K.C. Yoo, and R.G. Rosemeier, "Surface Reflection Berg-Barrett Topographic Study of Strain Fields Around Hardness Impressions in RDX Explosive and MgO Single Crystals," presented at The ACA Meeting, Snowmass, CO., Aug. 3-5, 1983.


24.       R.G. Rosemeier, "Real-Time X-ray Diffraction:  applications to Materials Characterization," invited paper presented at The High Speed Growth and Characterization of Crystals for Solar Cells Conference, Port St. Lucie, FLA, July 25-27 (1983).


25.       R.G. Rosemeier, "Real-Time X-ray Topography: Applications to Bulk HgCdTe Materials" to published in The Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology (1983).



26.       R.G. Rosemeier and R.E. Green, Jr., "A New Miniature Microchannel Plate X-ray Detector for Synchrotron Radiation," J. Atomnaya Teknika za Rubezom, No. 7, 42 (1983) (translated in Russian).


27.       K.C. Yoo, R.G. Rosemeier, W.L. Elban, and R.W. Armstrong, "X-ray Topography Evidence for Energy Dissipation at Indentation Cracks in MgO Crystals," published in The Journal of Materials Science Letters.


28.       J.T. Dickenson, M.H. Miles, W.L. Elban, and R.G. Rosemeier, "Fracto-Emission from Cyclotrimenthylenetrinitrimine (RDX) Explosive Crystals," submitted to The Journal of Applied Physics for publication.


29.       R.G. Rosemeier and T.H. Allik, "Characterization of Laser Materials by Real-Time X-Ray Topography," Proceedings of the International Conference on Lasers '[84, November 26-30, 1984, pgs. 112-114.


30.       T.S. Ananthanarayanan, R.G. Rosemeier, W.E. Mayo and S. Sacks, "Novel Non-Destructive X-Ray Technique for Near-Real Time Defect Mapping," 2nd International Symposium on the Nondestructive Characterization of Materials, Montreal, Canada, (July, 1986).


31.       T.S. Ananthanarayanan, W.E. Mayo and R.G. Rosemeier, "High Resolution Digital X-ray Rocking Curve Topography," 35th Annual Denver Conference on Application of X-ray Analysis, Denver, (August, 1986).


32.       T.S. Ananthanarayanan, R.G. Rosemeier, W.E. Mayo and R.S. Miller, "Rapid Non-Destructive X-ray Characterization of Solid Fuels/Propellants," 1986 Denver X-Ray Conference, (August, 1986).


33.       R.G. Rosemeier, J.I. Soos and J. Rosenbaum, "A 1 GHz Acousto-Optic Modulator Device," OSA Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA (October, 1986).


34.       R.G. Rosemeier, J.I. Soos and J. Rosenbaum, "GHz GaAs Acousto-Optic Modulator Devices," Lasers '86 Conference, Orlando, FLA (November, 1986).


35.       T.S. Ananthanarayanan, R.G. Rosemeier, B. Mayo and J.H. Dinan, "Digital X-ray Rocking Curve Topography," MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, MA (December, 1986).


36.       T.S. Ananthanarayanan, R.G. Rosemeier, B. Mayo and P. Becla, "Subsurface Micro-Lattice Strain Mapping," MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, MA (December, 1986).


37.       R.G. Rosemeier, J.I. Soos and J. Rosenbaum, "Demonstration of a GHz Acousto-Optic Laser Beam Deflector/Modulator," OFC/IOOC '87, Reno, NV (January, 1987).


38.       T.S. Ananthanarayanan, R.G. Rosemeier and W.E. Mayo, "Digital Double Crystal X-ray Rocking Curve Topography," Pittsburgh Conference and Exposition, Atlanta, NJ (March, 1987).



39.       J.I. Soos, J. Rosenbaum and R.G. Rosemeier, "GaAs Acousto-Optic Laser Scanners for Infrared Wavelength," '87 Cleo/IQEC, Baltimore, MD (April, 1987).


40.       R.G. Rosemeier, "Start-Up Strategies to Commercialize New Materials," Entrepreneurial Management New Technology and New Market Development, San Luis Obispo, CA (April, 1987).


41.       J.I. Soos, R.G. Rosemeier and J. Rosenbaum, "GHz GaAs Acousto-Optic Modulator Devices," SPIE's 1987 Technical Symposium Southeast on Optics, Electro-Optics and Sensors, Orlando, FLA (May, 1987).


42.       J.I. Soos and R.G. Rosemeier, "Novel In-Line Acousto-Optic Fiber-Optic Switch," at SPIE's OE/LASE '88 Conference, Los Angeles, CA (January, 1988).


43.       J.I. Soos, T.P. McFerrin, R.L. Scheerer and N.L. Baldwin, "3 1/2 GHz Bandwidth LiNbO3 Shear Bragg Cells," at SPIE's Technical Symposium on Optics, Electro-Optics and Sensors, Orlando, FLA (April, 1988).


44.       J.I. Soos and R. G. Rosemeier, "High Frequency GaAs Bulk Acousto-Optic Devices for Modulators and Frequency Shifters at 1.3µm and 1.5µm in Fiber Optics" at SPIE's OE/Fiber Lase '88 Conference, Boston, MA (September, 1988).


45.       J.I. Soos and R.G. Rosemeier, "A Novel 2-D Acousto-Optic Switch," at OPTCON '88 Conference, Santa Clara, CA (October, 1988).


46.       J.I. Soos, D.C. Leepa and R.G. Rosemeier, "Optical Multiplications with Single Element 2-D Acousto-Optic Laser Beam Deflector," SPIE's 1989 OE/Lase Symposium, (January, 1989).


47.       J.I. Soos and R.G. Rosemeier, "High Frequency Travelling Wave and Standing Wave Acousto-Optic Modulators," SPIE's 33rd Annual Technical Symposium, San Diego, CA (August, 1989).

48.    R.G. Rosemeier*, Jolanta I. Soos*, S.B. Trivedi*,T.H.Allik**, R. Evans**, Brimrose Corporation*, SAIC**. “AOTF SWIR Hyperspectral Imager.” Navy Imaging & Electro Optic Days Conference, NUWCDIVNPT, Newport, RI., Oct. 23 2007.

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